The past few days were amazing. I went to several parties, met new people, it was amazing. I had 3 days full of fun. And all because I attracted it so. Happiness is a feeling with a chain reaction. Only one person wasn't that I love...her eyes hid tearing sadness...I wish I could teach her how to fly...
'Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for pain...'
I met, throughout my life, very rich people, with a good social life but even so, they were unhappy, and had no energy of life. I also met very poor people, with broken families, but I swear I had never seen anyone else loving and appreciating life as much as they did. However, I could see the pain in their eyes...but it was that pain which made them so 'special', it was like they could do everything better than anyone in this world, because they were aware of their inner strength, as they had turned to it, in order to pass the difficulties. I went trough such experience and not only once...At first you feel like dying, but if you seek for that inner strength and don't give up you will be 'rewarded'. The idea is that we all possess that inner strength, but we are not aware of it, we don't know it is there, if we never had to use it. As we go through a hard experience, and we get over it, we say:"Oh, I'm so strong if I survived that tremendous pain...if I did that I can do anything." and it is true...
It's all about convincing your brain that you possess an amazing source of power. What needs to be mentioned it's that we don't have to suffer to become aware of our inner strength...we could just really believe it with all our heart and have the boldness to do act accordingly. Always remember you are an infinite source of energy, although you may reject the idea.
Thank u for reading my blog, I hope it helps you in your life ! Love u all, waiting for you opinion :* !!!
It's all about convincing your brain that you possess an amazing source of power. What needs to be mentioned it's that we don't have to suffer to become aware of our inner strength...we could just really believe it with all our heart and have the boldness to do act accordingly. Always remember you are an infinite source of energy, although you may reject the idea.
Thank u for reading my blog, I hope it helps you in your life ! Love u all, waiting for you opinion :* !!!
Grateful for everything...
People tend to think and concentrate on what they don't have and they say 'Oh, I don't have that, I'm so poor..' but no matter how much they have they always want more and more and more.... So think about it, you might be in the situation when you have some, but you want more because you don't enjoy what you really have. Let me tell you what you have: you have LIFE, you have friends, you have food, you have family, you have clothes, you have TV, you have a HOME, you maybe even have a car, maybe someone you care about, you have a mobile phone, you have internet etc.. Money? you have ten times, maybe a hundred times more money then an AVERAGE PERSON in Africa. What do you say about that? With all the means of communication available you have the chance to speak to almost everyone in this world and make them your friends. Isn't that amazing ? Stop looking at what you don't have be grateful for what you have and all you have to do is to look around you and notice the abundance that surrounds you in every field: social, material, personal, etc. Be grateful for everything and start with the little will see how rich you really are..:)
I don't know about you, but I am so keen on competition ! I love to compete in any way possible. I don't hesitate to join every competition which occurs. It can be a sports competition, a business competition, a career competition etc. And it's not about winning or losing, it's about the courage and power to defeat your weakness and give the best of you until you break all your limits. We are an unlimited source of energy and our possibilities are infinite, is just that we are not motivated to use them. There are 2 situations which motivate us to break the boundaries of our potential:
1.When our life is in danger and we do things which we never think we could do, in order to save ourselves
2. In a COMPETITION, where our ego and reputation is on the line
Of course, there is a risk of taking it too seriously and do things we would regret them later. I don't let myself get carried away and stay on the ground. Actually, I don't even compete against other individuals, I compete against me, because the hardest competitor we can have is ourselves. Compete to get the ultimate of you, and enjoy to be part of a competition, where you show yourself who you truly are.
A dark side...
Yesterday a person asked me to help him, because he had a serious problem. He was very worried because he had some "scary thoughts" as he called them, and was afraid that things would go wrong for him. He also told me he didn't understand why those thoughts were always coming back again, from time to time, because he is a good person, and couldn't hurt anybody. His problem was that whenever somebody laughed at him, or annoyed him, he had something in his head that urged him to hurt that person.
I told him not to worry, because this is a normal thing, everybody feels repulsion towards the people they don't like, one way or another." The difference between you and a bad person is that you don't give up in this fight between you and your 'dark side'. We all have a dark, immoral side which sometimes urges us to do bad, disgusting things, but we mustn't let it come out and control us, because it would lead to our annihilation, eventually. What we have to do, is to explore our bright side and seek the positive side of more we do this...the more happiness we for those who insult you, completely ignore them, and remember that they insult you only to draw attention as they feel lonely."
I told him not to worry, because this is a normal thing, everybody feels repulsion towards the people they don't like, one way or another." The difference between you and a bad person is that you don't give up in this fight between you and your 'dark side'. We all have a dark, immoral side which sometimes urges us to do bad, disgusting things, but we mustn't let it come out and control us, because it would lead to our annihilation, eventually. What we have to do, is to explore our bright side and seek the positive side of more we do this...the more happiness we for those who insult you, completely ignore them, and remember that they insult you only to draw attention as they feel lonely."
Story of a soldier...
Although I am a positive person, sometimes a feeling of regret captures my soul. Regret for the childhood that has passed so quickly. Some days I feel old, although I'm just 21. I feel like I was dropped as a young adult in this world. I feel like I haven't done anything, I want to do something big, something to be remembered and I have some plans but they have been pulled back by some circumstances. I feel like time has become an enemy...a formidable cloud of sadness covers my soul...but then suddenly A GREAT POWER BURSTS in my heart, reminding me that I am strong, so strong I can achieve anything. Then the regrets become sparks of willpower, the cloud of sadness starts to pour ambition on the ground of my heart and that ambition travels through my veins and fills my body with the energy I need to move on...go a soldier who rises from his blood after he's been wounded...I wipe my tears and taste their's time to move on soldier !
"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?" Buddha
Good evening, everybody. Today I am to talk about the last step in the Law of Attraction: Action.
All that I have described in the past posts, consists in attracting the things you want, or, if you want, "telling the genie your wish". Now, as we know, we put ourselves in front of our wishes by getting trough the first 3 steps. I've been asked by many people questions like: "I have done all that you have told me, it really works, I was given what I had asked but at the last minute it failed."
This is absolutely normal to happen if you don't act. As we all know, another law of the Universe is Newton's third law which states that Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.
Every Action = is the attraction which brings you the things you want
Reaction = is your action, which can be Equal (which means positive or negative feelings, acts, depending on the nature of what you have attracted) and Opposite, because you act, you go forward to your goal you go from here to there, you are a ' + ' , while ' - ' is the goal you have pulled to you, you have attracted, it comes from there to here. Eventually those two things, meet each other, and when + meets - we know they attract and create an energy. That energy is you living your dream :) .
So let's think about it for a second, and go trough all the steps of the Law of Attraction:
1. Think (Visualize) = when you think and visualize yourself having the thing you desire
2. Feel = generating the feeling of already having it
3. Eliminate fear = getting over the mind's automatic self-defense system
-------so far we have manifested like a magnet, only attracting what we want-----------------
Once we've attracted for example a person. Let's say we met with that person at the bus stop. That person is an energy, brought to us by a force( Attraction), what does this force need in order to maintain this energy? Yes,another force, a reaction, OUR REACTION.So we say 'hello" What happens then? We get the reaction from our reaction, (probably another 'hello") then we have a reaction from the person's reaction, we ask or say something, and vice-versa and this way a cycle is created and what we finally get is the energy of two people feeling good one with the other. When will the energy disappear? When one of the persons stops to react; the cycle is broken, and as we know an energy can't exist only from an action, it has to be a reaction also, so the 2 persons stop speaking to each other.And if we think about it, this is how we can reject people we don't like, we just ignore them, we give no reaction to their action, and they simply fade away, because there is no energy created. But we can also stay in touch with people for an infinite time if we respond to every action we get from them. It all makes sense now doesn't it?
This is why we must act, when we are given a glimpse of our dream or request. It doesn't matter if we don't complete our dream from our first attempt, but it is absolutely necessary to be an attempt, a reaction, so we can receive another reaction from universe, and this way, we get in the end to our final goals. So this is why I say: ACT, ACT, ACT. When you have attracted the girl you like in front of you, don't be mute, ACT, you will absolutely get a reaction, equal to your action and that means positive or negative. If you act negative (you criticize the person, you insult it, etc.) you will get an equal reaction which means another insult or criticism. If you compliment her, you will get a smile :) .
It applies for all other things: cars, money, etc. We must interact, we must invest the money we attract, we must buy something with it, I don;t know there are infinite ways to interact with things. But we need to interact, an action has to take place. This is why people, when they save their money, or try not to spend it, eventually they will loose it, because they don't interact with it.
Well, my friends, I've finished sharing you the secret of success. My suggestion for you is to try right now to attract something small, which is easy for you think it can happen. Like a cup of coffee, or a bracelet( this was my first thing :D ), or even a person you haven't seen for long time. Get it trough the 4 steps I have explained, during the day whenever you have time, close your eyes, think positive about that person or thing, relax, imagine and feel like you talk to that person, or you have that thing, open your eyes, release the force to the Univers, and expect 100% that it will happen, do that for 5 minutes whenever you have time during the day and eventually it will be shown to you, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION really works. It works with everyone, even with me :) . See you next time, with your results.
All that I have described in the past posts, consists in attracting the things you want, or, if you want, "telling the genie your wish". Now, as we know, we put ourselves in front of our wishes by getting trough the first 3 steps. I've been asked by many people questions like: "I have done all that you have told me, it really works, I was given what I had asked but at the last minute it failed."
This is absolutely normal to happen if you don't act. As we all know, another law of the Universe is Newton's third law which states that Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.
Every Action = is the attraction which brings you the things you want
Reaction = is your action, which can be Equal (which means positive or negative feelings, acts, depending on the nature of what you have attracted) and Opposite, because you act, you go forward to your goal you go from here to there, you are a ' + ' , while ' - ' is the goal you have pulled to you, you have attracted, it comes from there to here. Eventually those two things, meet each other, and when + meets - we know they attract and create an energy. That energy is you living your dream :) .
So let's think about it for a second, and go trough all the steps of the Law of Attraction:
1. Think (Visualize) = when you think and visualize yourself having the thing you desire
2. Feel = generating the feeling of already having it
3. Eliminate fear = getting over the mind's automatic self-defense system
-------so far we have manifested like a magnet, only attracting what we want-----------------
Once we've attracted for example a person. Let's say we met with that person at the bus stop. That person is an energy, brought to us by a force( Attraction), what does this force need in order to maintain this energy? Yes,another force, a reaction, OUR REACTION.So we say 'hello" What happens then? We get the reaction from our reaction, (probably another 'hello") then we have a reaction from the person's reaction, we ask or say something, and vice-versa and this way a cycle is created and what we finally get is the energy of two people feeling good one with the other. When will the energy disappear? When one of the persons stops to react; the cycle is broken, and as we know an energy can't exist only from an action, it has to be a reaction also, so the 2 persons stop speaking to each other.And if we think about it, this is how we can reject people we don't like, we just ignore them, we give no reaction to their action, and they simply fade away, because there is no energy created. But we can also stay in touch with people for an infinite time if we respond to every action we get from them. It all makes sense now doesn't it?
This is why we must act, when we are given a glimpse of our dream or request. It doesn't matter if we don't complete our dream from our first attempt, but it is absolutely necessary to be an attempt, a reaction, so we can receive another reaction from universe, and this way, we get in the end to our final goals. So this is why I say: ACT, ACT, ACT. When you have attracted the girl you like in front of you, don't be mute, ACT, you will absolutely get a reaction, equal to your action and that means positive or negative. If you act negative (you criticize the person, you insult it, etc.) you will get an equal reaction which means another insult or criticism. If you compliment her, you will get a smile :) .
It applies for all other things: cars, money, etc. We must interact, we must invest the money we attract, we must buy something with it, I don;t know there are infinite ways to interact with things. But we need to interact, an action has to take place. This is why people, when they save their money, or try not to spend it, eventually they will loose it, because they don't interact with it.
Well, my friends, I've finished sharing you the secret of success. My suggestion for you is to try right now to attract something small, which is easy for you think it can happen. Like a cup of coffee, or a bracelet( this was my first thing :D ), or even a person you haven't seen for long time. Get it trough the 4 steps I have explained, during the day whenever you have time, close your eyes, think positive about that person or thing, relax, imagine and feel like you talk to that person, or you have that thing, open your eyes, release the force to the Univers, and expect 100% that it will happen, do that for 5 minutes whenever you have time during the day and eventually it will be shown to you, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION really works. It works with everyone, even with me :) . See you next time, with your results.
Good evening. We are to talk about step 3 in the process of turning dreams into reality: KILLING THE FEAR.
So far, I've described the first 2 steps, THINKING and FEELING; so we think about a certain thing, we put ourselves in the position of already having it (as I explained in the past posts) and at this moment the subconscious mind is attracting that 'certain thing' and at a certain moment A RAY OF HOPE WILL ARISE, a way will be shown to you, some help will be offered, SOMETHING WILL COME OUT 100% SURE, IT'S INEVITABLE, THAT AN OPPORTUNITY WILL COME TO YOU. The more passion and time you put in your feelings and thoughts the faster the dream will come true.
Now here's the hardest part : when the way to fulfilling your dream is shown, your logical mind tells you that the dream can become true. ONLY NOW YOU TRULY START TO BELIEVE, and you know your life is going to change.
FEAR SETS IN. It conquers you and soften your nature. It pulverize your being. Why? Because it comes and offers a bet: loose your old life and step into the unknown. The bet is risking all you have had before, and regenerating, becoming 'a new you'.
People categorize in 3 types now:
That's why when the opportunity is there, when we first hear about a chance that we have been given, we must KILL THE FEAR and take it. For me, the higher the fear is, the greater glory I gain after defeating it. I have reached the point when I'm playing with fear, and take victory after victory from it, and that gives me an unbelieving feeling of beauty, power and success. After every victory, not only that I gain the material benefits from the things I wanted, but I also feel the power which is seeded deep in my soul and it's infinite. I don't allow myself to be a victim of fear, I can't, I won't. I really can't describe in words, it's like I can do anything, like I am the world myself. It's such a wonderful feeling I wish you all could have it everyday, and you can if you really want and strive to change.
Because we are all one energy, an infinite energy, a positive energy, and we all deserve the best in the world, no matter who we are, what we are, where we are NOTHING MATTERS JUST UNIVERSAL HAPPINESS. There's only one obstacle in our way: FEAR.
So much about step 3 and moving forward to step 4: ACT. Which is also important. As usually, I'm open for any kind of question, idea, opinion from you. If you have anything you'd like to share, PLEASE SHARE IT AND LET ME HELP YOU, take a shot ;) Remember: LIFE IS FOR LIVING THE FULL OF IT, DON'T BE A VICTIM OF IT. Love You ALL :* Goodbye and Good life!
So far, I've described the first 2 steps, THINKING and FEELING; so we think about a certain thing, we put ourselves in the position of already having it (as I explained in the past posts) and at this moment the subconscious mind is attracting that 'certain thing' and at a certain moment A RAY OF HOPE WILL ARISE, a way will be shown to you, some help will be offered, SOMETHING WILL COME OUT 100% SURE, IT'S INEVITABLE, THAT AN OPPORTUNITY WILL COME TO YOU. The more passion and time you put in your feelings and thoughts the faster the dream will come true.
Now here's the hardest part : when the way to fulfilling your dream is shown, your logical mind tells you that the dream can become true. ONLY NOW YOU TRULY START TO BELIEVE, and you know your life is going to change.
FEAR SETS IN. It conquers you and soften your nature. It pulverize your being. Why? Because it comes and offers a bet: loose your old life and step into the unknown. The bet is risking all you have had before, and regenerating, becoming 'a new you'.
People categorize in 3 types now:
- People who immediately run from this situation, and never speak about it, actually acting like it never had happened, subconsciously denying even the fear.
- People who think about it, who know that they are afraid to make the change, accept the fear, but prefer to deny the "offer", and remain with their old life, rather then risk loosing it.
- And we get the 3rd type of people who also accept the fear, but they want their life to be changed so bad that they are able to risk even their life for it.THEY DON'T EVEN CARE IF THEY SUCCEED OR NOT (and this is an amazing feeling), they are just happy that they have been given an opportunity. [This is why people who have been through experiences in which they might have lost their life, they begin to really appreciate life, and the little and ordinary things, which are the most valuable. People who have been in the situation of loosing their life, for example they had a disease and the doctor told them that they are going to die, are offered only one opportunity: NO OPPORTUNITY. So if somebody comes and tells them they can help them, they accept it without doubt because, they have nothing to risk, fear has nothing to scare them with, because they have already lost everything as they are to die. we will discuss about it in other session, it's very interesting].
That's why when the opportunity is there, when we first hear about a chance that we have been given, we must KILL THE FEAR and take it. For me, the higher the fear is, the greater glory I gain after defeating it. I have reached the point when I'm playing with fear, and take victory after victory from it, and that gives me an unbelieving feeling of beauty, power and success. After every victory, not only that I gain the material benefits from the things I wanted, but I also feel the power which is seeded deep in my soul and it's infinite. I don't allow myself to be a victim of fear, I can't, I won't. I really can't describe in words, it's like I can do anything, like I am the world myself. It's such a wonderful feeling I wish you all could have it everyday, and you can if you really want and strive to change.
Because we are all one energy, an infinite energy, a positive energy, and we all deserve the best in the world, no matter who we are, what we are, where we are NOTHING MATTERS JUST UNIVERSAL HAPPINESS. There's only one obstacle in our way: FEAR.
So much about step 3 and moving forward to step 4: ACT. Which is also important. As usually, I'm open for any kind of question, idea, opinion from you. If you have anything you'd like to share, PLEASE SHARE IT AND LET ME HELP YOU, take a shot ;) Remember: LIFE IS FOR LIVING THE FULL OF IT, DON'T BE A VICTIM OF IT. Love You ALL :* Goodbye and Good life!
Good evening. Last time we discussed about the suit of things a person must do, in order to attract what they want, or, in other words, to transform wishes into reality. We treated the first step, wich is thinking at what you wish and now I'm going to talk about step 2: feeling.
What we have to know first is that the "genie", or the "God" that works for us to make our dreams come true is not the logical mind, it is the subconscious mind and it responses only to feelings. So we use our logical mind to imagine, to create the things that we want in our mind and at the same time we must feel as we have those things, in order to "impress" the subconscious mind, wich is the ultimate power of the Universe. This incredible force has no boundaries, no limit, no obstacles, nothing. It's a scientific law, like gravity, but what it is funny is that gravity is a force based on attraction, too. I won't end this without an example given:
Let's say you want a car. You think of the car you want, you imagine yourself driving it and the feeling you get is of happines, fulfillment etc. (it depends on every person). Seeing that being in the position of driving that car, you feel good, the subconscious mind is triggered, is woken up ( that's why people say: 'I feel like I'm born again' or ' I feel like I'm living again" when they do something they really enjoy) and starts attracting more of that wich gives that feeling, in this example, driving that car :) . Here it's the tricky part: the subconscious mind does not make the difference between reality and thoughts. And here is the irony: the logical mind attracts the thoughts( because when you think of something you actually attract it in your mind) and the subconscious mind attracts what we call reality, real things. Interesting right?
Now comes the most difficult part: KILLING THE FEAR. In my opinion fear is the worst enemy of human kind. But we will continue next time, till then I'll read your opinion and answear to your questions. Good night and good life !
The Law Of Attraction
Good Day. The Law of Attraction is the key to converting thoughts to reality. You can have absolutely anything you want : health, money, a car, people, happiness, love, wealth, you name it. These are the positive things, but you can also attract negative things like: hate, danger, fear, poverty, illness etc. It is all about what you want, because MIND DOES NOT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAD AND GOOD. The Universe is governed by laws of mathematics and, as you know, mathematics is an objective and exact science. Think of your MIND AS A MAGNET (to understand better how it works) that attracts exactly what's in it. There for if you stop thinking about anything that's negative, and look at the bright sight of things, the positive things, you will attract more of the positive things. By thinking over and over again at what you want, and not anything else, whether you say NO or YES to it, you attract that thing. Most people are praying in their mind "Oh, I hope I will not fail" but by doing that, they think of them failing, so they will attract that stiuation because they think of it. Instead of saying "Oh, I hope I will not fail" they must think " I will succeed !" Overall, this all process I have described in this post is the first step in Law of Attraction. We have 4 steps to run through in order to achieve what we want:
1. Think (Visualize) [wich we've described]
2. Feel
3. Eliminate fear
4. Act
***** Law of Attraction is known by other people in the world and they all have different opinions on how it works. But the basic principle is the same: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. I describe the way it has worked for me, from my own experience.***** -- I'm waiting for your questions and opinions, wich I will be happy to answer to.
Good day, and Good life !
1. Think (Visualize) [wich we've described]
2. Feel
3. Eliminate fear
4. Act
***** Law of Attraction is known by other people in the world and they all have different opinions on how it works. But the basic principle is the same: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. I describe the way it has worked for me, from my own experience.***** -- I'm waiting for your questions and opinions, wich I will be happy to answer to.
Good day, and Good life !
A secret power : Human Mind
Good evening. Today I'm going to explain in simple words, how you've come to this stage(could be good or bad) in your life. It's apparently simple, but very hard to swallow, it can all be resumed to this: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. Yes. You might have heard this before, it's a qoute from Buddha and it is absolutely true. You see, Einstein was right: time is relative, it has been proven scientifically. It won't take long before it will be proven that whole Universe is relative. And it is a reason why it was created this way: so that wherever we might be, whoever we might be, WE CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. How relativity helps us do that, we will discuss another day. Right now I want you to be aware of the fact that your MIND IS THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE. It's the beginning of your changing process. Reflect on that, look back on you life and you'll realise I'm telling the truth. YOU HAVE ATTRACTED ALL YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE WITH THE POWER OF ATTRACTION. When you think of something and you picture it in your mind and you feel having that thing or experience, you put energy to it, you attract it and eventually you will receive it. How? Simple: THOUGHTS BECOME REALITY. We will discuss about this on my next post. Till then, I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion.
Good night and good life !
Good night and good life !
First words...
Good evening. You probably may be asking yourself what is this blog about. I'll give you the answer straight and simple: it's about some people, who live in this world and they have a special abillity to do EVERYTHING THEY WANT. And by that I mean having a successful career, living a wonderful love-story or possessing such an enormous wealth that they could feed the entire planet for a day. And I'm not talking non-sense; you can check the Forbes list of billionaires. I chose these examples because they are the things wich most people want. Because that's what's all about : WANTING AND GETTING. What people don't know is that is not really about WANTING AND GETTING and is about WANTING, DREAMING and CREATING. Those people who live their dream, I like to call them life-winners.I am one of them. In the next posts, I will share my experience, my life, my opinions and my energy with you and I expect the same thing from you. I want to meet other life-winners, and to help other people achieve the ultimate of them. And know this: if you have come to read this, it's no coincidence, you have attracted the first step to change...see you soon. ;) Good night and good life !
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