
"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?" Buddha

       Good evening, everybody. Today I am to talk about the last step in the Law of Attraction: Action.
All that I have described in the past posts, consists in attracting the things you want, or, if you want, "telling the genie your wish". Now, as we know, we put ourselves in front of our wishes by getting trough the first 3 steps. I've been asked by many people questions like: "I have done all that you have told me, it really works, I was given what I had asked  but at the last minute it failed."
      This is absolutely normal to happen if you don't act. As we all know, another law of the Universe is  Newton's third law which states that Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

Every Action = is the attraction which brings you the things you want
Reaction = is your action, which can be Equal (which means positive or negative feelings, acts, depending on the nature of what you have attracted) and  Opposite, because you act, you go forward to your goal you go from here to there, you are a ' + ' ,    while ' - ' is the goal  you have pulled to you, you have attracted, it comes from there to here. Eventually those two things, meet each other, and when + meets - we know they attract and create an energy. That energy is you living your dream :) .

So let's think about it for a second, and go trough all the steps of the Law of Attraction:
1. Think (Visualize) = when you think and visualize yourself having the thing you desire
2. Feel = generating the feeling of already having it
3. Eliminate fear = getting over the mind's automatic self-defense system

-------so far we have manifested like a magnet, only attracting what we want-----------------

              Once we've attracted for example a person. Let's say we met with that person at the bus stop. That person is an energy, brought to us by a force( Attraction), what does this force need in order to maintain this energy? Yes,another force, a reaction, OUR REACTION.So we say 'hello" What happens then? We get the reaction from our reaction, (probably another 'hello") then we have a reaction from the person's reaction, we ask or say something, and vice-versa and this way a cycle is created and what we finally get is the energy of two people feeling good one with the other. When will the energy disappear? When one of the persons stops to react; the cycle is broken, and as we know an energy can't exist only from an action, it has to be a reaction also, so the 2 persons stop speaking to each other.And if we think about it, this is how we can reject people we don't like, we just ignore them, we give no reaction to their action, and they simply fade away, because there is no energy created. But we can also stay in touch  with people for an infinite time if we respond to every action we get from them. It all makes sense now doesn't it?
         This is why we must act, when we are given a glimpse of our dream or request. It doesn't matter if we don't complete our dream from our first attempt, but it is absolutely necessary to be an attempt, a reaction, so we can receive another reaction from universe, and this way, we get in the end to our final goals. So this is why I say: ACT, ACT,  ACT. When you have attracted the girl you like in front of you, don't be mute, ACT, you will absolutely get a reaction, equal to your action and that means positive or negative. If you act negative (you criticize the person, you insult it, etc.) you will get an equal reaction which means another insult or criticism. If you compliment her, you will get a smile :) .
         It applies for all other things: cars, money, etc. We must interact, we must invest the money we attract, we must buy something with it, I don;t know there are infinite ways to interact with things. But we need to interact, an action has to take place. This is why people, when they save their money, or try not to spend it, eventually they will loose it, because they don't interact with it.

         Well, my friends, I've finished sharing you the secret of success. My suggestion for you is to try right now to attract something small, which is easy for you think it can happen. Like a cup of coffee, or a bracelet( this was my first thing :D ), or even a person you haven't seen for long time. Get it trough the 4 steps I have explained, during the day whenever you have time, close your eyes, think positive about that person or thing, relax, imagine and feel like you talk to that person, or you have that thing, open your eyes, release the force to the Univers, and expect 100% that it will happen, do that for 5 minutes whenever you have time during the day and eventually it will be shown to you, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION really works. It works with everyone, even with me :) . See you next time, with your results.


  1. Anonymous06:22

    Now there's one thing I've found, when I attracted things, bad lucks come to me, it is inevitable?(joe)

  2. If you have attracted things, and you don't know how to react, or what to do to keep them, I tell you this: RELAX, take a 'everything's OK' attitude, and feel grateful to the Universe. Don't be amazed at the things that happen to you because when you do, you tell your mind that those things are too powerful for you and it will reject it. Act like it is ordinary. Everybody has a "brilliant side" as I call it. This "brilliant side" is the ultimate of you and if you look deep inside you, you will find it, and all you'll have to do is just let it will be fascinated by what you can me :)

  3. i'd just like to say.. thanks for the sweet comment you made on my fam pictures post a little while back. I didn't see it till today..
    and ironically right when i needed it most.
    thanks again :)


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