

     Good evening. We are to talk about step 3 in the process of turning dreams into reality: KILLING THE FEAR.
     So far, I've described the first 2 steps, THINKING and FEELING; so we think about a certain thing, we put ourselves in the position of already having it (as I explained in the past posts) and at this moment the subconscious mind is attracting that 'certain thing' and at a certain moment A RAY OF HOPE WILL ARISE, a way will be shown to you, some help will be offered, SOMETHING WILL COME OUT 100% SURE, IT'S INEVITABLE, THAT AN OPPORTUNITY WILL COME TO YOU.  The more passion and time you put in your feelings and thoughts the faster the dream will come true.
     Now here's the hardest part : when the way to fulfilling your dream is shown, your logical mind tells you that the dream can become true. ONLY NOW YOU TRULY START TO BELIEVE, and you know your life is going to change.

          FEAR SETS IN. It conquers you and soften your nature. It pulverize your being. Why? Because it comes and offers a bet: loose your old life and step into the unknown. The bet is risking all you have had before, and regenerating, becoming 'a new you'.

People categorize in 3 types now:

  • People who immediately run from this situation, and never speak about it, actually acting like it never had happened, subconsciously denying even the fear. 
  • People who think about it, who know that they are afraid to make the change, accept the fear, but prefer to deny the "offer", and remain with their old life, rather then risk loosing it. 
  • And we get the 3rd type of people who also accept the fear, but they want their life to be changed so bad that they are able to risk even their life for it.THEY DON'T EVEN CARE IF THEY SUCCEED OR NOT (and this is an amazing feeling), they are just happy that they have been given an opportunity. [This is why people who have been through experiences in which they might have lost their life, they begin to really appreciate life, and the little and ordinary things, which are the most valuable. People who have been in the situation of loosing their life, for example they had a disease and the doctor told them that they are going to die, are offered only one opportunity: NO OPPORTUNITY. So if somebody comes and tells them they can help them, they accept it without doubt because, they have nothing to risk, fear has nothing to scare them with, because they have already lost everything as they are to die. we will discuss about it in other session, it's very interesting].

      That's why when the opportunity is there, when we first hear about a chance that we have been given, we must KILL THE FEAR and take it. For me, the higher the fear is, the greater glory I gain after defeating it.  I have reached the point when I'm playing with fear, and take victory after victory from it, and that gives me an unbelieving feeling of beauty, power and success. After every victory, not only that I gain the material benefits from the things I wanted, but I also feel the power which is seeded deep in my soul and it's infinite. I don't allow myself to be a victim of fear, I can't, I won't. I really can't describe in words, it's like I can do anything, like I am the world myself. It's such a wonderful feeling I wish you all could have it everyday, and you can if you really want and strive to change

                    Because we are all one energy, an infinite energy, a positive energy, and we all deserve the best in the world, no matter who we are, what we are, where we are NOTHING MATTERS JUST UNIVERSAL HAPPINESS. There's only one obstacle in our way: FEAR.  

      So much about step 3 and moving forward to step 4: ACT. Which is also important. As usually, I'm open for any kind of question, idea, opinion from you. If you have anything you'd like to share, PLEASE SHARE IT AND LET ME HELP YOU, take a shot ;) Remember: LIFE IS FOR LIVING THE FULL OF IT, DON'T BE A VICTIM OF IT. Love You ALL :* Goodbye and Good life!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17:54

    just read it and waiting to see more of it.(J0e)


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