Gratitude List

I'm going to list the most important things for which we should be grateful for. We must thank the Universe every day for them.

1. Family
- most important thing in life is family. Nothing matters more than family; but we only realize that when our life is in danger, or when we are about to lose them, because unfortunately we take them for granted. It's a special bound between us and our family because actually we are an entity born from the love of two strangers. Think about this strong feeling of love, this feeling that can unite two people from opposite places of world and create a new life that will change the world day by day, because every person changes the world with every word, every deed, every thought and every feeling that he experience. Think about the power of this is the most strongest feeling in the Universe...for somebody we truly love ... we give our life for them.

-every day I wake up, first thing I do is think about my parents, and simply thank the Universe for this bless, and I am so grateful for them, I fill my soul with joy, feel happy, and I get this feeling of 'nothing else matters' because what I'm after in life I already have: family. It's amazing, you should try it, too. Do it every day, when you get the chance, or when you are sad, think about your parents and the most happy moments you had with them, probably when you were a child. Be grateful, happy, relieved about them, and I guarantee you will feel a power that will simply fill you with confidence, and a 'do-everything' feeling. And it's amazing to achieve this ultimate goal in just a few seconds, think about that. And adding positive feelings and thoughts to the image of your family will convince the mind to attract more of that energy which is -happy moments with your family-. Isn't that amazing? Try it, you got nothing to lose. :)

- you don't need a 'rich family' or a 'big family' or a 'nice family' or a 'smart family' or a 'cool family' no! no! no! that's bullsh*t. YOU NEED ONLY YOUR FAMILY, no matter how, what, or where they are...they are your family I can swear on my life that they are great no matter who they are. Like we talked before everything is relative, it is as you want to be it, not anyone else. EXAMPLE: In Africa children think that a perfect family means a healthy mother and a healthy father and that's all. But if we go in the Western Word and ask a children what a perfect family means, most of them will say: "A father and mother with great jobs, rich, cool, and to let me do what I want and never ask me everything and buy me a lost of things and bla bla .."  If I am wrong you can correct me. Most children from Western World forgot about the fact that many kids are homeless, and they don't have a family. And they would give anything for a Christmas Day with their own family. Just  a day. So think about how lucky you are now, and thank the Universe for that, feel your heart with gratitude and flee and kiss your parents and thank them just for the fact that they are alive, and then for other things you love about them and you will realize a notebook is not enough to write about things you love about them :)

-think of the people who are in coma and can't enjoy the little amazing things of life. They just think. And that's it. Now you see how lucky you are? You still can smell a perfume, watch the sunset, play with you child, spend time with the ones you love, travel, watch a movie, climb the mountains, write, sing, cook, read interesting books, shall I mention other wonderful activities that you can do without a bunch of money or effort. All you have to do is to decide and just relax and enjoy while you do these wonderful things. Let us be grateful to the Universe for that. :)

- another priceless gift that the Universe has given to us, is the chance to have friends. True friends, the ones you grow up with, which are part of your life, they are an immeasurable treasure. You don't need a lot of friends, you need few which would listen to you and your opinions. Of course, having a lot of friends is not bad, but some people are upset because they don't have lots of friends or because they are not popular. It is impossible to be loved by a majority of people without pretending to be something else; which, I can assure you it is very hard and wearisome and you get surrounded by people who you don't like. The way you think, the way you are, you attract people who share the same principles, ideas and values. Be friends to those whom you attract and really care for you, and who you really care about. You will know who is the right kind of friends to you because you will enjoy the time spent with them and time will just fly when you are around them and you feel free to say and do anything while you're with them. I appreciate every moment spent with my friends and  thank the Universe for having this privilege. :)