
A dark side...

    Yesterday a person asked me to help him, because he had a serious problem. He was very worried because he had some "scary thoughts"  as he called them, and was afraid that things would go wrong for him. He also told me he didn't understand why those thoughts were always coming back again, from time to time, because he is a good person, and couldn't hurt anybody. His problem was that whenever somebody laughed at him, or annoyed him, he had something in his head that urged him to hurt that person.
     I told him not to worry, because this is a normal thing, everybody feels repulsion towards the people they don't like, one way or another." The difference between you and a bad person is that you don't give up in this fight between you and your 'dark side'. We all have a dark, immoral side which sometimes urges us to do bad,  disgusting things, but we mustn't let it come out and control us, because it would lead to our annihilation, eventually. What we have to do, is to explore our bright side and seek the positive side of life...to more we do this...the more happiness we attract...as for those who insult you, completely ignore them, and remember that they insult you only to draw attention as they feel lonely."

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