
The Law Of Attraction

Good Day. The Law of Attraction is the key to converting thoughts to reality. You can have absolutely anything you want health, money, a car, people, happiness, love, wealth, you name it. These are the positive things, but you can also attract negative things like: hate, danger, fear, poverty, illness etc. It is all about what you want, because MIND DOES NOT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAD AND GOOD. The Universe is governed by laws of mathematics and, as you know, mathematics is an objective and exact science. Think of your MIND AS A MAGNET (to understand better how it works) that attracts exactly what's in it. There for if you stop thinking about anything that's negative, and look at the bright sight of things, the positive things,  you will attract more of the positive things. By thinking over and over again at what you want, and not anything else, whether you say NO or YES to it, you attract that thing. Most people are praying in their mind "Oh, I hope I will not fail" but by doing that, they think of them failing, so they will attract that stiuation because they think of it. Instead of saying  "Oh, I hope I will not fail" they must think " I will succeed !" Overall, this all process I have described in this post is the first step in Law of Attraction. We have 4 steps to run through in order to achieve what we want:
1. Think (Visualize) [wich we've described]
2. Feel
3. Eliminate fear
4. Act
***** Law of Attraction is known by other people in the world and they all have different opinions on how it works. But the basic principle is the same: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. I describe the way it has worked for me, from my own experience.***** -- I'm waiting for your questions and opinions, wich I will be happy to answer to.
 Good day, and Good life !

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