
A secret power : Human Mind

Good evening. Today I'm going to explain in simple words, how you've come to this stage(could be good or bad) in your life. It's apparently simple, but very hard to swallow, it can all be resumed to this: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. Yes. You might have heard this before, it's a qoute from Buddha and it is absolutely true. You see, Einstein was right: time is relative, it has been proven scientifically. It won't take long before it will be proven that whole Universe is relative. And it is a reason why it was created this way: so that wherever we might be, whoever we might be, WE CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. How relativity helps us do that, we will discuss another day. Right now I want you to be aware of the fact that your MIND IS THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE. It's the beginning of your changing process. Reflect on that, look back on you life and you'll realise I'm telling the truth. YOU HAVE ATTRACTED ALL YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE WITH THE POWER OF ATTRACTION. When you think of something and you picture it in your mind and you feel having that thing or experience, you put energy to it, you attract it and eventually you will receive it. How? Simple: THOUGHTS BECOME REALITY. We will discuss about this on my next post. Till then, I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion.
      Good night and good life !


  1. haha... nice post..

  2. Anonymous06:45

    um...I think you should give more details about the things you write, cause I think you might be right, but I ccan't prove it.(joe)

  3. Hi, Joe ! Ask me anything you like, and I'll answer you, I'll help you understand and you will be amazed by the power you have in you.


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