

      I don't know about you, but I am so keen on competition ! I love to compete in any way possible. I don't hesitate to join every competition which occurs. It can be a sports competition, a business competition, a career competition etc. And it's not about winning or losing, it's about the courage and power to defeat your weakness and give the best of you until you break all your limits. We are an unlimited source of energy and our possibilities are infinite, is just that we are not motivated to use them.  There are 2 situations which  motivate us to break the boundaries of our potential:
1.When our life is in danger and we do things which we never think we could do, in order to save ourselves 
2. In a COMPETITION, where our ego and reputation is on the line
       Of course, there is a risk of taking it too seriously and do things we would regret them later. I don't let myself get carried away and stay on the ground. Actually, I don't even compete against other individuals, I compete against me, because the hardest competitor we can have is ourselves. Compete to get the ultimate of you, and enjoy to be part of a competition, where you show yourself who you truly are.

A dark side...

    Yesterday a person asked me to help him, because he had a serious problem. He was very worried because he had some "scary thoughts"  as he called them, and was afraid that things would go wrong for him. He also told me he didn't understand why those thoughts were always coming back again, from time to time, because he is a good person, and couldn't hurt anybody. His problem was that whenever somebody laughed at him, or annoyed him, he had something in his head that urged him to hurt that person.
     I told him not to worry, because this is a normal thing, everybody feels repulsion towards the people they don't like, one way or another." The difference between you and a bad person is that you don't give up in this fight between you and your 'dark side'. We all have a dark, immoral side which sometimes urges us to do bad,  disgusting things, but we mustn't let it come out and control us, because it would lead to our annihilation, eventually. What we have to do, is to explore our bright side and seek the positive side of life...to more we do this...the more happiness we attract...as for those who insult you, completely ignore them, and remember that they insult you only to draw attention as they feel lonely."


Story of a soldier...

Although I am a positive person, sometimes a feeling of regret captures my soul. Regret for the childhood that has passed so quickly. Some days I feel old, although I'm just 21. I feel like I was dropped as a young adult in this world. I feel like I haven't done anything, I want to do something big, something to be remembered and I have some plans but they have been pulled back by some circumstances. I feel like time has become an enemy...a formidable cloud of sadness covers my soul...but then suddenly A GREAT POWER BURSTS in my heart, reminding me that I am strong, so strong I can achieve anything. Then the regrets become sparks of willpower, the cloud of sadness starts to pour ambition on the ground of my heart and that ambition travels through my veins and fills my body with the energy I need to move on...go forward...like a soldier who rises from his blood after he's been wounded...I wipe my tears and taste their sorrow...it's time to move on soldier !