

Good evening. Last time we discussed about the suit of things a person must do, in order to attract what they want, or, in other words, to transform wishes into reality. We treated the first step, wich is thinking at what you wish and now I'm going to talk about step 2: feeling.
    What we have to know first is that the "genie", or the "God" that works for us to make our dreams come true is not the logical mind, it is the subconscious mind and it responses only to feelings. So we use our logical mind to imagine, to create the things that we want in our mind and at the same time we must feel as we have those things, in order to "impress" the subconscious mind, wich is the ultimate power of the Universe. This incredible force has no boundaries, no limit, no obstacles, nothing. It's a scientific law, like gravity, but what it is funny is that gravity is a force based on attraction, too. I won't end this without an example given:
    Let's say you want a car. You think of the car you want, you imagine yourself driving it and the feeling you get is of happines, fulfillment etc. (it depends on every person). Seeing that being in the position of driving that car, you feel good, the subconscious mind is triggered, is woken up ( that's why people say: 'I feel like I'm born again' or ' I feel like I'm living again" when they do something they really enjoy) and starts attracting more of that wich gives that feeling, in this example, driving that car :) . Here it's the tricky part: the subconscious mind does not make the difference between reality and thoughts. And here is the irony: the logical mind attracts the thoughts( because when you think of something you actually attract it in your mind) and the subconscious mind attracts what we call reality, real things. Interesting right?
     Now comes the most difficult part: KILLING THE FEAR. In my opinion fear is the worst enemy of human kind. But we will continue next time, till then I'll read your opinion and answear to your questions. Good night and good life !


The Law Of Attraction

Good Day. The Law of Attraction is the key to converting thoughts to reality. You can have absolutely anything you want health, money, a car, people, happiness, love, wealth, you name it. These are the positive things, but you can also attract negative things like: hate, danger, fear, poverty, illness etc. It is all about what you want, because MIND DOES NOT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAD AND GOOD. The Universe is governed by laws of mathematics and, as you know, mathematics is an objective and exact science. Think of your MIND AS A MAGNET (to understand better how it works) that attracts exactly what's in it. There for if you stop thinking about anything that's negative, and look at the bright sight of things, the positive things,  you will attract more of the positive things. By thinking over and over again at what you want, and not anything else, whether you say NO or YES to it, you attract that thing. Most people are praying in their mind "Oh, I hope I will not fail" but by doing that, they think of them failing, so they will attract that stiuation because they think of it. Instead of saying  "Oh, I hope I will not fail" they must think " I will succeed !" Overall, this all process I have described in this post is the first step in Law of Attraction. We have 4 steps to run through in order to achieve what we want:
1. Think (Visualize) [wich we've described]
2. Feel
3. Eliminate fear
4. Act
***** Law of Attraction is known by other people in the world and they all have different opinions on how it works. But the basic principle is the same: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. I describe the way it has worked for me, from my own experience.***** -- I'm waiting for your questions and opinions, wich I will be happy to answer to.
 Good day, and Good life !


A secret power : Human Mind

Good evening. Today I'm going to explain in simple words, how you've come to this stage(could be good or bad) in your life. It's apparently simple, but very hard to swallow, it can all be resumed to this: WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ARE. Yes. You might have heard this before, it's a qoute from Buddha and it is absolutely true. You see, Einstein was right: time is relative, it has been proven scientifically. It won't take long before it will be proven that whole Universe is relative. And it is a reason why it was created this way: so that wherever we might be, whoever we might be, WE CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. How relativity helps us do that, we will discuss another day. Right now I want you to be aware of the fact that your MIND IS THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE. It's the beginning of your changing process. Reflect on that, look back on you life and you'll realise I'm telling the truth. YOU HAVE ATTRACTED ALL YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE WITH THE POWER OF ATTRACTION. When you think of something and you picture it in your mind and you feel having that thing or experience, you put energy to it, you attract it and eventually you will receive it. How? Simple: THOUGHTS BECOME REALITY. We will discuss about this on my next post. Till then, I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion.
      Good night and good life !


First words...

Good evening. You probably may be asking yourself what is this blog about. I'll give you the answer straight and simple: it's about some people, who live in this world and they have a special abillity to do EVERYTHING THEY WANT. And by that I mean having a successful career, living a wonderful love-story or possessing such an enormous wealth that they could feed the entire planet for a day. And I'm not talking non-sense; you can check the Forbes list of billionaires. I chose these examples because they are the things wich most people want. Because that's what's all about : WANTING AND GETTING. What people don't know is that is not really about WANTING AND GETTING and is about WANTING, DREAMING and CREATING. Those people who live their dream, I like to call them life-winners.I am one of them. In the next posts, I will share my experience, my life, my opinions and my energy with you and I expect the same thing from you. I want to meet other life-winners, and to help other people achieve the ultimate of them. And know this: if you have come to read this, it's no coincidence, you have attracted the first step to change...see you soon. ;)  Good night and good life !