
Stronger and Stronger

I have never been afraid of new experiences in my life. Actually I have, but I knew that it was ordinary, every person fears the unknown. After so many broken "unknowns" I came to point where I seek for the unknown, and challenge the difficulty of every situation...I'm like a 'challenges-addict'. I don't care about the result: win or lose...that's not important...important is that I do as many things as I can...THAT'S WHY I GROW SO STRONG....SO STRONG....


Note for self

"'ve gone soft, you don't have the courage to go forward. What's wrong? Your whole life has been a gamble but you got through. Why stop now? I know your life depends on this next battle and you may lose or win. But if you lose, why not harm the enemy with all your weapons and hate? Why not make him bleed with all your anger and lust for revenge?  If you quit, you lose your chance of winning. Come on, soldier, get up! Get straight, keep your head up. The world doesn't need week people. I know you deserve better, but this is what you have, this is what you get, this is how you've always won : AGAINST ALL ODDS. They have always hated you for winning when you shouldn't, you've taken their place and put your name up on the board of winners. They hate you because you're a smart fighter, intelligent, ambitious, fearless warrior; because you know how to play the game and you play it the best. You didn't give up when they did, you didn't cry when they did, you've just moved forward. They all hate you for that, but they respect you for that. Look how they bow to you, how they wave at you... The war is not over, so why stop now? Soldier! get up and die on the battlefield! GIVE THEM NOTHING! BUT TAKE THEM EVERYTHING! know you always win, even when you lose..."


You are what you think you are...

    When I want to be in a good mood, I 'cut' anything else in my mind and I impose that good mood to my brain. I stop caring about anything else and I act like the man with the best mood in the world. And when I do that, I imagine myself being in front of all the negative things (especially fear) and I tell them: "Look! Despite your trying to bring me down, I do the opposite and become better in everything I do." When I want to be something I just be it, no doubt, no remorse. Sometimes I get bored with the good mood and I want to be very rational and dismal.


Fuel for Positive Energy

   The problem which concerns most people is where they can get that positive attitude from, how can they stay positive with all those bad things and bad people out there in the world. The right attitude is a positive attitude indeed, but not a 'silly-happy-attitude'. We must have 'A-POSITIVE-FIGHT-AND-WIN' attitude, which means:
- we take a 10 min. break everyday, from our life, and we cancel everything. We cancel our memories, we cancel our concerns, our plans, we cancel the whole world actually, like it was nothing there. ( I prefer to just  watch the sky when I do that :) Simply relax in those 10 min., just let go, become one with the Universe. You can think about you as a another person, like a character from a movie. And guess who is going to write the script? You. 

- the next step is to start writing. The ink are your thoughts, feelings and imagination. Think, Feel, and Imagine yourself in the posture of having what you want. Do this 10min per day and then play in your movie, where you have the leading role.

-this is where you get out from the 'attracting-mode', get practical and get down to business. Remember: no doubt, no boundaries, no nothing. ONLY DETERMINATION, PATIENCE, CONFIDENCE AND ACTION. As you act to put things in motion, the things you asked for are coming to you because you attracted them in those 10 min. :) 

...Do this everyday in your life, and you will be verrry happy. There might be some downs, in your life, but there are not there to stop you (only if you let them). The bad things are there in your life to say: "I AM HERE  TO SEE IF YOU CAN GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT, OR YOU WANT TO BACK OUT" ....because you have to grow strong in order to gain more confidence and skills. Don't worry if something is really bad, your emotion guidance system will warn you that something is wrong. You will have a doubt, a strange feeling which will lead you to another path.

And finally, the fuel for positive energy is not giving a f..k and keep trying even if you know you might fail. You got nothing to do else anyway. You will be amazed of what you will become. :) 


Body control

     Our body is like an alarm system. When something is wrong in our life, if we are not comfortable with the life we have, our body reacts and this is how diseases appear. It has been proved that stress is the reason for a large variety of diseases. In fact, this is how our mind communicates with us, and tells us 'you have to change your way of life'. Just as a fish dies if it is left without water, a human mind can't live if we direct it only to the negative things in life. Because our purpose is to be happy, to enjoy life and live our dreams. Nothing else. The rest is trash which we load our mind with and when our mind can't bare it no more it triggers the 'alarm system' and the disease appears...One thing I know for sure: A DISEASE CAN'T EXIST IN A POSITIVE AND HAPPY PERSON.
    OBESITY is a signal of the mind saying: 'STOP! You're killing yourself. You don't eat healthy.You must equilibrate the things in your life.You need to let out negative energy and attract positive energy, that means you need physical activity, you need these thing or else you will die!'
     For people who suffer from obesity I recommend them to listen to their inner voice and take action. It's for their own good. You don't have to take medicine our anything else. What you need to change is inside. Search for equilibrium. You don't have to take drastic action. Take small steps while you are happy and confident you will lose weight. Every night before sleep think and feel yourself being slim. Try to add vegetables in your meals, little by little until you will fall in love with them. We are so lucky that vegetables contain what our body needs in the quantity it needs.Try to concentrate on the food when you eat, and eat until you are hungry no more, not a bit more. Walk! Go in the park and walk. Or anywhere in the nature. And listen to some happy relaxing music why you do it. Maybe you will actually run a few meters. :)
       I wish to hear your opinion, and if you want more advice don't be afraid to ask. I guarantee I can help you all. :) 


Ego, Respect and Fear.

  Hy, my friends. How many of you, live your life by your ego? For me, the ego is nothing more than a weapon. As any kind of weapon, it is very dangerous for me and for everybody else. Ego is the thing that makes us want to be above others. And when you get above others, you think you are the best and everybody else should consider you superior to them.It's like a drug. I became aware of my ego when I was 15-16 years old. I spent my childhood in a rough neighborhood where most of the boys and girls of my age, and even adults, respected you for only one thing: FEAR. The more they feared you, the more they respected you. If you were not a threat to them they would hurt you any way possible; this way they gained more respect.  I kind of adapted to this way of life but when I grew older it started to 'taste good'. Ego infiltrated in my veins. I started to 'gain respect', do bad things, make 'naughty friends', gypsy friends who had just got out of jail etc. I was king of the neighborhood, girls' favorite. That was the time I understood the 'human mechanics'. I don't want to remember the things I was doing those days. :(  . But ego came in and wanted more, I wanted to be 'the boss' of the neighborhood. The most feared. But it was too much to me and I was close to death. Then, after my 'defeat', all my 'friends' became my enemies, girls shifted to my enemies, and I was really, really down. A lot of things happened but it would be too much to write. Anyway, that was the moment I realized what I had become: a 'monster', because of the fact that ego conquered me. Indirectly, I was saved by few persons who mean everything to me. I actually owe them my life, because they convinced me (indirectly, because I've never told anyone what I've been through) by the power of example, that you can be good and successful at the same time, it's just that you have to think positive and live a 'positive-energy-life'. The Universe showed me that a sincere 'thank you' from the heart means more than being king of the neighborhood. But the roots of the 'bad boy' are still there, deep in my soul, the 'allure of the game' causes unrest to my heart. It's one of the reasons I want to join the law enforcement.