

    The past few days were amazing. I went to several parties, met new people, it was amazing. I had 3 days full of fun. And all because I attracted it so. Happiness is a feeling with a chain reaction. Only one person wasn't that I love...her eyes hid tearing sadness...I wish I could teach her how to fly...


'Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for pain...'

   I met, throughout my life, very rich people, with a good social life but even so, they were unhappy, and had no energy of life. I also met very poor people, with broken families, but I swear I had never seen anyone else loving and appreciating  life as much as they did. However, I could see the pain in their eyes...but it was that pain which made them so 'special', it was like they could do everything better than anyone in this world, because they were aware of their inner strength, as they had turned to it, in order to pass the difficulties. I went trough such experience and not only once...At first you feel like dying, but if you seek for that inner strength and don't give  up you will be 'rewarded'. The idea is that we all possess that inner strength, but we are not aware of it,  we don't know it is there, if we never had to use it. As we go through a hard experience, and we get over it, we say:"Oh, I'm so strong if I survived that tremendous pain...if I did that I can do anything." and it is true...
       It's all about convincing your brain that you possess an amazing source of power. What needs to be mentioned it's that we don't have to suffer to become aware of our inner strength...we could just really believe it with all our heart and have the boldness to do act accordingly. Always remember you are an infinite source of energy, although you may reject the idea.

       Thank u for reading my blog, I hope it helps you in your life ! Love u all, waiting for you opinion :*  !!!


Grateful for everything...

People tend to think and concentrate on what they don't have and they say 'Oh, I don't have that, I'm so poor..' but no matter how much they have they always want more and more and more.... So think about it, you might be in the situation when you have some, but you want more because you don't enjoy what you really have. Let me tell you what you have: you have LIFE, you have friends, you have food, you have family, you have clothes, you have TV, you have a HOME, you maybe even have a car, maybe someone you care about, you have a mobile phone, you have internet etc.. Money? you have ten times, maybe a hundred times more money then an AVERAGE PERSON in Africa. What do you say about that? With all the means of communication available you have the chance to speak to almost everyone in this world and make them your friends. Isn't that amazing ? Stop looking at what you don't have be grateful for what you have and all you have to do is to look around you and notice the abundance that surrounds you in every field: social, material, personal, etc. Be grateful for everything and start with the little will see how rich you really are..:)