
Body control

     Our body is like an alarm system. When something is wrong in our life, if we are not comfortable with the life we have, our body reacts and this is how diseases appear. It has been proved that stress is the reason for a large variety of diseases. In fact, this is how our mind communicates with us, and tells us 'you have to change your way of life'. Just as a fish dies if it is left without water, a human mind can't live if we direct it only to the negative things in life. Because our purpose is to be happy, to enjoy life and live our dreams. Nothing else. The rest is trash which we load our mind with and when our mind can't bare it no more it triggers the 'alarm system' and the disease appears...One thing I know for sure: A DISEASE CAN'T EXIST IN A POSITIVE AND HAPPY PERSON.
    OBESITY is a signal of the mind saying: 'STOP! You're killing yourself. You don't eat healthy.You must equilibrate the things in your life.You need to let out negative energy and attract positive energy, that means you need physical activity, you need these thing or else you will die!'
     For people who suffer from obesity I recommend them to listen to their inner voice and take action. It's for their own good. You don't have to take medicine our anything else. What you need to change is inside. Search for equilibrium. You don't have to take drastic action. Take small steps while you are happy and confident you will lose weight. Every night before sleep think and feel yourself being slim. Try to add vegetables in your meals, little by little until you will fall in love with them. We are so lucky that vegetables contain what our body needs in the quantity it needs.Try to concentrate on the food when you eat, and eat until you are hungry no more, not a bit more. Walk! Go in the park and walk. Or anywhere in the nature. And listen to some happy relaxing music why you do it. Maybe you will actually run a few meters. :)
       I wish to hear your opinion, and if you want more advice don't be afraid to ask. I guarantee I can help you all. :)